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جميع أسئلة القصة الموجودة في اختبارات work book انجليزى ثالثة اعدادى الفصل الدراسى الاول


لطلاب الشهادة الاعدادية جميع أسئلة القصة " Black Beauty" الموجودة في اختبارات   work book    للفصل الدراسى الاول للصف الثالث الاعدادي  ، اعداد مستر حسام عبد العظيم ، و  من الاسئلة


1- What advice did Black Beauty's mother give him? 

2- What was Birtwick Park like? 

3- What did the horses think of Birtwick Park? 

4- How do we know that Black Beauty had good owners? 

مةز5- Do you think that Merrylegs was wrong to throw the older boys off his back? Why? / Why not?

6- Who helped Black Beauty to learn to pull a carriage? 

الطلاب شاهدوا أيضا  :  مذكرة قواعد النحو ثالثة اعدادي 

                                 ملزمةاللغة العربية ترم اول ثالثة اعدادي

7- Why did Ginger sometimes bite or kick people? 

8- Why did Squire Gordon's children stop visiting Merrylegs? 

9- Do you think that Merrylegs was right to behave badly with the children? Why? /Why not? 

10- Do you think that Squire Gordon was right to be angry with a man who worked for him? Why? /Why not?


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